0191 5121279

Rainbow Bridge

Help During the Grieving Process
If you are grieving the loss of a beloved animal friend, there are a number of things you can do to help yourself. Not everyone understands the strong connection we can have with animals and therefore the depth of grief we can feel when they pass over to Spirit. “It was only a cat / dog / bird” really doesn’t help; neither does “Just go out and get another one”. Grief for the loss of an animal is every bit as valid as grief for a human, and should never be underestimated. There is no set time limit for recovery – we all heal at different paces. 

The Homeopathic remedy Ignatia is wonderful for helping to ease the pain of separation, that feeling of being overwhelmed, when we feel we cannot stop crying. It does not work like an anti-depressant – it helps your heart to heal and gently supports us through the grieving process. It is natural, safe, non-addictive, has no side effects and can be used safely alongside other medication. And it’s safe to use for ALL the family including grieving pets.
If you have been grieving a long time or feel “stuck” in grief, shock or guilt, a consultation with a fully qualified Homeopath is wholeheartedly recommended.

Pet Bereavement Support Service
If you feel you have no-one to talk to, or worry about upsetting others also affected by your bereavement it is worth knowing that the Blue Cross offers a pet bereavement support service. Contact them on 0800 0966606 (UK)

Likewise cats Protection offer a Grief Support Service offering advice and support not only for bereavement, but also missing pets, and the sadness of having to give up your pets for any reason. Their confidential line is available 9-5 Monday – Friday on 0800 0249494 (UK) or

Practical Tasks
Create a “Memory Box”. Immediately following bereavement is not a time to make decisions. If you don’t know what to do with your pet’s belongings, but seeing them around is adding to your pain, collect them all together and place them in a special box. Decorate it or place a picture of your friend on the lid. Encourage your children to be involved in this process, and as you place the items in the box, talk about the special memories each item evokes. It may help to write these special memories down, as it can be a comfort as time passes to revisit the box, remind yourself of the happy times and the funny little unique ways your friend had. This can be a very cathartic, healing process, and I personally recommend it.

Candle Ceremony
If you visit any of the Rainbow Bridge websites you will learn of the Monday Night Rainbow Bridge Candle Ceremony. At 8pm every Monday evening we light a candle to our loved ones waiting for us at Rainbow Bridge, and speak their name(s). It can also be a very comforting ritual, and nothing bad will happen if you forget occasionally!

Animal Communication (of course!)
Having one last message from your friend in Spirit can be extremely comforting. Many people contact me wracked with grief or guilt over their pet’s passing, but believe me, once they are out of their pain & suffering most animals are extremely forgiving and understanding. Since Animal Communication is a telepathic process and does not rely on a “physical” presence, it is possible to pass & receive messages after an animal crosses the Bridge. I will update this page whenever an animal gives me interesting insights into their next life, and the whole process of living and dying. I learn such a lot from them!

Heavenly Transition Ceremony ©This is something which has developed over recent years, as various animal companions of my own have crossed over and I’ve been with them to help them and observe the transition, something I also experienced quite by chance years ago when a regular client contacted me, distraught because her beloved cat was about to be released from his body, and she felt her own emotions were ruining his experience and distressing him. I offered to accompany him (using distance communication techniques as his time was imminent) and offer him healing and love during the process, because I was removed from the process and felt I could support him more effectively energetically. What happened astonished us both – I could hear the music she was playing for him and smell the candle she was burning, and I then saw a being bathed in golden light reach down and lift him so gently and lovingly from his body.

Gradually opportunities began to arise to offer the ceremony to existing clients who contacted me to tell me their beloved friend was due to leave their body with veterinary help at a certain time, and this has proved to be a popular and comforting service for the family as well as the animal.

How the ceremony works:
A few minutes before the appointed time I light a candle and intuitively create an altar or crystal grid to help me and concentrate the energy field as I connect in with the animal and offer healing and support, and gather anything else the animal requests to ease or enhance their experience – essential oils, herbs, remedies etc, the energy of which I send in the same way I do during a distance healing session – lifting them into my bubble of protective light and comfort, instilling calm and quiet, joyful acceptance in their release and relocation into Heaven, speaking softly, or simply being present and bearing witness with them.

Ceremony can take many forms and will always be as requested by the animal. I can use any combination of energy medicine from my Medicine Bag, including Reiki, Spiritual Healing, Shamanic healing and ceremony and indigenous ceremonial techniques, including gentle drumming, rattling, prayer, mantras, singing bowls and tuning forks to accompany the soul on its journey.

I call in their Guardian Angels, their Spirit Guides, Power Animals and those appointed to help them transition and ask them to gather round to assist the process. Sometimes I see Spirit animals approach to collect their friend, sometimes someone in human form, and other times I see angelic beings filled with light and love reach and lift the soul free of the body to carry them to their next place. I simply observe without interfering in the process. Anything I do see or feel I report back to their family afterwards. I do this in writing rather than by phone because it’s an overwhelming time and it’s not my place to intrude.

The altar or crystal grid will remain open for four days (in accordance with Indigenous tradition) ensuring blessings continue to be bestowed on the animal and their loved ones.

Cost: £60

Obviously I can only offer this form of ceremony when the time of passing is known in advance, and depending on my own availability, however, I can also offer a more simple

Soul Release and Farewell Ceremony © within 24 hours of departure (depending on my availability) in which I light a candle and am guided to prepare a specific altar or crystal grid to concentrate the energy and call in my own Spirit Guides, Power Animals and helpers to add their intercessions to my prayers and healing energies to the soul of the animal, with blessings for their onward journey. My guides connect with the guides of the animal ensuring they are at peace in their new existence. The altar or crystal grid will remain open for four days (in accordance with Indigenous tradition) ensuring blessings continue to be bestowed on the animal and their loved ones.

Cost: £45

Both ceremonies are currently only available to existing clients, i.e. animals I have already worked with and am familiar with whether in person or via distance communication.
Please contact me as soon as possible to ensure my availability for the ceremony of your choice.

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