I have a beautiful 3 page article in June‘s Spirit & Destiny (out NOW) and will be running a wonderful workshop sharing more of the wisdom and helping your connection with all of Nature. Dates and Venue will be announced soon
Have you ever looked at your animal friend and said, “He understands everything I say”? (But wish you could understand him). Have you ever wondered what your animal friend thinks about all day? Are you concerned your pet may be unhappy, or worried, or feeling unwell? Does your animal companion exhibit behaviour you can’t understand, is making life difficult for…
Clare describes her passion in life – talking to and listening to animals! ‘I wish it were possible to get across in a few pages how wonderful it is to be able to hear what our animal companions have to say, what their thought processes are like, how clever, sensitive and funny they can be! Animals truly do experience the…
What is Homeopathy? Homeopathy was developed over 200 years ago by German physician Samuel Hahnemann, based on principles going back hundreds of years to the likes of Paracelsus & Hippocrates. The practice of homeopathy is based on the Law of Similars, which means that a substance which can cause symptoms when taken in large doses by healthy people, will cure similar symptoms if taken in minute doses…